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LeadingAge PA PAC

The LeadingAge PA Political Action Committee (PAC) was established to increase our legislative advocacy presence in Harrisburg.

A PAC is simply a group of individuals with common values and goals who combine their resources to financially support candidates running for public office. A PAC supports candidates that represent the interests and views of its members - in our case, long-term care providers.

The LeadingAge PA PAC doesn't support candidates based on their political affiliation, but on their record of support for the nonprofit long-term care industry.


Please consider donating to the LeadingAge PA political action committee today! It's easy. You may donate today through our website or download our contribution form to mail in. 

A few things to keep in mind when contributing to the LeadingAge PA PAC:

  • Donations are not considered charitable contributions for federal tax purposes.
  • In compliance with federal and state regulations, contributions to the LeadingAge PA PAC cannot be made via corporate check but must be made with personal funds via check or credit card registered to a home address.
  • State laws require political action committees to collect and report the name, mailing address (as listed on your credit card or check) and occupation of individuals that contribute in a calendar year.
LeadingAge PA yearly dues for your organization are separate from donations made directly to the LeadingAge PA PAC.


Our Work

The LeadingAge PA PAC is a powerful tool that will allow our association to further strengthen and expand its visibility within the state capitol and the Pennsylvania General Assembly.

Through voluntary contributions the LeadingAge PA political action fund can effect powerful change that will positively impact seniors in Pennsylvania, but we need your support to make a true, lasting difference. Here are some of the reasons why your contributions are so important:

  • Your PAC dollars are crucial in helping us support candidates and elected officials who understand the long-term care field and share our values as well as concerns.
  • The LeadingAge PA PAC empowers us to have a greater impact on the political process, while allowing us to be more competitive among other associations that may often have conflicting goals.
  • Our PAC is an important tool that gives our members the access and visibility the long-term care field needs in order to have its voice heard in Harrisburg.


"This is most confidence I have ever had in Leadingage in this state or any other.  You and the rest of the team are creative, inspiring and effective.  Humble though it is, it is the first time I have been compelled to contribute to the PAC because of what I see from you all."

- LeadingAge PA Member

If you would like to get involved by volunteering, click here.