
Research & Data Analysis

  • Demographics and data trending 
  • Five-Star Reports + Peer Review
  • County benchmarks
  • Statewide Salary Survey 
  • Mapping 
  • Analytics

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Optum is a health services and innovation company on a mission to help people live healthier lives and to help make the health system work better for everyone.

Optum, part of the UnitedHealth Group family of businesses, is powering modern health care by connecting and serving the whole health system across 150 countries. We combine cutting-edge technology, the world’s largest health care database and vast expertise to improve health care delivery, quality and efficiency. We are revolutionizing health care that serves more than 100,000 physicians, practices and other health care facilities, as well as 127 million individual consumers.

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Creating Results

Creating Results is a full-service strategic marketing, sales consulting and advertising agency that drives demand from mature consumers for lifestyle-oriented products and services, including senior living, 55+ real estate and more. Our expertise is in targeting and motivating the 40+ consumer pursuing a higher quality of life, including Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation. We use data-driven, creative solutions to build brands, drive leads and improve your marketing ROI.

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Kairos Health Systems

Kairos Health Systems is the premier partner in the post-acute care space, that provides innovative solutions to individual member organizations, health systems and payers. To accomplish its goals, Kairos works with leading health care providers to improve care performance, quality initiatives, market position and financial outcomes.

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Latsha Davis & Marshall

Latsha Davis & Marshall, P.C. provides a broad spectrum of legal services to businesses and individuals throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland. Our practical business-oriented approach and reputation for delivering the highest quality legal services have garnered us both regional and national recognition.

Assured Partners

Partnership. Expertise. Innovation. Passion. Doing the right thing. These aren't traits you typically find in the world's largest insurance firms. But you'll find them with us, because we're invested in your success – now and for the long run.

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Webber Advisors

Webber Advisors is a full-service employee benefits consulting firm, but we are not just here to help you pick an insurance plan. Webber Advisors believes in innovation that makes your job easier and provides the solutions you need. We have narrowed this into three fundamental principles: we believe every employer should have a population health strategy, be compliant and offer a superior employee experience.


Since 1970, Ziegler Financing Corporation (ZFC) has been a licensed FHA/HUD lender providing low-cost, highly leveraged, non-recourse, long-term fixed-rate financing solutions for nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, board and care homes, memory care facilities and assisted-living projects nationwide.

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The Retirement Community Health Plan of PA is a safe and cost-effective solution for LeadingAge PA members to fund their health insurance benefits.  Administered in partnership with Benecon and L.R. Webber, RCHP provides greater control over managing health insurance costs while also providing long-term savings, claim cost transparency, plan/network flexibility and compliance support.

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Research & Data Tools