Francis House: A Dream Come True

November 12, 2019

St. Ignatius Nursing & Rehab Center

Visit St. Ignatius Nursing & Rehab Center

The administrations of St. Ignatius Nursing & Rehab Center (STINRC), West Philadelphia, PA, for many years under the direction of SM Agatha Cebula and Mr. John Meacham from 1986 to 2016, and now Ms. Susan McCrary from 2017 to 2019, have long held the belief that affordable housing for frail elderly should be accessible in an urban campus adjacent to the skilled nursing facility of STINRC; the independent facilities: Angela Court I and II; and the soon to be Francis House designed to be an assisted/personal care facility set for completion in June of 2020.

This Francis House building project will provide housing for 60 low income frail adults with 60 efficiency units, with a microwave, mini-fridge, and cook top, with access to a communal kitchen, living space and communal dining. This response to the needs of the economically disenfranchised carries the Felician Charism since its inception and has benefited from the expertise of David Ward, senior ministry advisor and Felician Services Inc.

For approximately five years John Meacham, Francis House Consultant, and the Francis House Development Team have worked tirelessly to lobby for Pennsylvania Tax Credits to build a facility capable of providing personal care that would complement the continuum of care in West Philadelphia, PA sponsored by the Felician Sisters since 1986. It is a blessing to work with our lay partners that have worked industriously to prepare a place for those in greatest need. Please keep this social, corporal and spiritual work of mercy in your prayers.