LeadingAge national win! HUD officially extends standards for success reporting to Dec. 31

By LeadingAge PA
November 3, 2023

In response to advocacy by LeadingAge national and others, HUD has extended the 2023 Standards for Success report submission due date to December 31. The Standards for Success reporting period began Oct. 1, 2022 and ended Sept. 30, 2023. The report submission due date was originally October 30. However, this year the Standards for Success data elements are being updated to improve data validity and quality of reporting, and there are glitches in the reporting form. HUD reported that the work has an anticipated completion date of Nov. 2, which is after the usual report submission due date of Oct. 30. LeadingAge has worked with Grant Solutions to identify and solve glitches reported by housing provider members. Previously, Grant Solutions was allowing extensions by request, but LeadingAge urged HUD to broadly extend the reporting timeframe to help preserve the integrity of the data submitted by Service Coordinators across the country. HUD has officially extended the deadline to Dec. 31, for all Multifamily Service Coordinator grantees. Reporting entities can submit their reports to HUD through the Standards for Success reporting tool and data repository, GrantSolutions OLDC, by direct data input (OLDC Form) or data file upload (Data File). If a provider was able to submit their reports at an earlier time using a third-party service, they may not need to take additional action at this time.