Member Calendar

Click on the cover image above to view and print our 2023 member calendar

December 13, 2022

Click on the cover image above to view and print the calendar page


Dear LeadingAge PA member:


I am pleased to present the 2023 LeadingAge PA member calendar. Contained in this calendar are
photos of residents and staff involved in programs, services, or accomplishments that depict their

definition of this year’s calendar theme, hope.


Hope is such a powerful notion. It can motivate, inspire, and drive us past doubt and
discouragement. As we think about the year ahead, it can be easy to focus on the difficulties and
challenges; you are leading in a sector that continues to face an uphill battle. However, I encourage you

this year to look for moments of hope.


This calendar is designed to assist you in planning motivational activities for your staff and creative and fun programming for your residents. But most of all, it is designed to remind us all why we continue to pour our lives into this field – for those moments of hope displayed so poignantly in the photos of residents and staff members on the pages of this calendar. Photos captured by you.


LeadingAge PA is committed to supporting you, providing you with resources and a voice in Harrisburg, and seeing Pennsylvania’s aging services sector into the future.


Garry Pezzano

President & CEO


P.S. If you would like additional copies of this calendar to share with
others, please visit: